Syria: details on the agreement between Kurds, Russians and Syrians
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has agreed to guarantee the safety of the Kurds on condition that they join the national security Forces.
No other conditions have been imposed on the Kurds, whose breath has been breathless since the USA's sudden withdrawal. Damascus has promised that there will be no revenge or resentment towards the Kurds.
The agreement between the Russians and the Kurds envisages the deployment of the Syrian army across the border with Turkey and the takeover of all sources of energy (gas and oil) by the forces controlled by the Syrian government. These sources of energy are vital for the Syrian government under heavy sanctions imposed by the US and the EU.
All oil deliveries were blocked, except for Iran, whose supertanker managed to lift the siege. The initial agreement between the Kurds and Damascus (through Russia) is to put an end to the administrative autonomy of the Syrian north-east, to integrate the Syrian Kurds under the command of the Syrian army and to fight and eliminate all ISIS forces.
A US withdrawal from the Al-Tanf border crossing between Iraq and Syria is also planned once a solution is found for the 64,000 refugees from Al-Rukhba camp Everything that motivated and benefited the US to maintain its occupation forces in Syria no longer stands. The "Iranian danger" is no longer relevant since the reopening of the al-Qaem border crossing.
Keeping US forces at the border when there are no more "opposing" forces costs Trump dearly and incurs unnecessary liability. The idea of maintaining US forces in Syria until a new constitution is agreed is no longer of interest or concern to the US. Trump lets Russia and Turkey deal with this problem that they will have to deal with with President Assad (and Iran's support).
Imposing sanctions on Syria has become pointless and prevents any rapprochement with the Arabs without any justification. All Arab countries (except Qatar) expressed their solidarity with President Assad and condemned the Turkish invasion. The return of the Arabs will establish a solid foundation for the reconstruction of Syria. The Syrian market is attracting Arab countries and the resumption of trade will allow them to regain their influence in the Levant.
President Assad, who asks nothing better than to close the chapter of war and start new positive relations with the countries of the Middle East, sees no difficulty in letting them exert a certain influence, as was the case before 2011.
The sanctions against Iran have lost all meaning with the opening of the al-Qaem border crossing and the Al-Tanf border that should follow. Iranian goods will end up on the Syrian market and vice versa. The road between Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus and Lebanon should come to life and regain its importance. Trump announced his withdrawal without informing his allies. The US-EU partnership on the ground is crumbling.
The credibility of the US is at an all-time low because of its attitude towards the Kurds, who defended Trump's forces in exchange for a state, the " Rojava ". The US sanctions against Turkey are nothing but empty words. Trump threatened to impose sanctions on Turkey if it crossed the red line, 35 km from the border, and then announced a full withdrawal two days later. The attempt to demonize Russia by the elite of the United States has come to nothing, as the Russians have now become the Saviors of the Kurds betrayed by the United States.
Those who fanatically support the Kurds and who make repeated calls to avoid their extermination by the Turks can no longer turn their weapons and feathers against Russia, since the Russians, with Assad on the market, are entering the scene to save them. The Kremlin is gaining ground in the Middle East, refining its diplomacy in a very complex part of the world that the US is now fleeing.
Moscow welcomes with open arms the same Kurds who have chosen to remain under the US for years. President Vladimir Putin has cleverly succeeded in establishing good relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Assad and Israel, Hezbollah and Syrian rebels, and even Turkey. Many stand out as winners of what is happening in Syria today, including Trump, who is escaping to avoid loss of life (as he promised in his election campaign).
The Kurds are the only real losers, for they have lost 11 000 of their own to a state which they hope will one day be born. Betting on the wrong horse (American) turned on them in a catastrophic way, but they ended up saving their lives by changing mentors.
About Writer Pascal Gibert
Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.
Quote Of The Day
If you want to judge if a party is a Lebanese enough, let me say we take up arms and fight against the occupation of our land, is that Lebanese enough? ― Sayed Hassan Nasrallah