News of the axis of the resistance

News from the Middle East, international, information from Africa and Asia.

IRGC aborts plan to assassinate General Qassem Suleimani

A plan to assassinate the head of the Alqods unit, Qassem Suleimani, was aborted, as revealed on Thursday, October 3 by the head of the intelligence services of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hussein Taeb.

At the 23rd Congress of the IRGC, Mr. Taeb reported on a failed Arab-Israeli assassination plan and the arrest of all members of the cell involved. "After the failure of the enemies of the Islamic Revolution, they developed a plan that has been prepared over the years to assassinate General Souleimani inside Iran and precisely in Kerman province (southeast)," he explained.

"The members of the cell bought a building near a Hosseiniya belonging to general Souleimani's father in Kerman. They prepared about 500 kg of explosives to place them under the Hosseinya via a tunnel under the building, with the aim of blowing it up during the presence of Suleimani, who was always there at the ceremony commemorating the mourning of Ashura ". Considered the most popular man in Iran, Suleimani is also the one who strengthened the resistance groups in the region in their struggle against the American-Israeli-ISIS axis.

About Writer Pascal Gibert

Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.

Quote Of The Day

I have heard that in the day of Hope and Fear the Merciful One will pardon the evil for the sake of the good. If you see evil in my words, do the same. ― Saadi