News of the axis of the resistance

News from the Middle East, international, information from Africa and Asia.

Iranian General Soleimani about the United States

"General Qassem Soleimani: we must behave wisely, as we have done in the last twenty years, when we defeated the enemy with several strategies."

The leader of the Al-Quds brigade in the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), General Qassem Soleimani : the Revolutionary Guards defeated the largest and most equipped army in the world, which is the American army, and showed its weakness to the world. Sanctions never affect the Will of the Revolutionary Guards who exposed the fragility of the US Army.

About Writer Pascal Gibert

Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.

Quote Of The Day

If you want to judge if a party is a Lebanese enough, let me say we take up arms and fight against the occupation of our land, is that Lebanese enough? ― Sayed Hassan Nasrallah