News of the axis of the resistance

News from the Middle East, international, information from Africa and Asia.

Tehran blames Washington for its failure to complete the wars it unleashes

The US is unable to end the wars in which it participates, according to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

In an interview with NBC News, he called on Donald Trump's administration not to try to resolve conflicts in the Middle East by force and accused Washington of starting a cyber war. "The United States initiated this cyber war by attacking our nuclear sites in a very dangerous and irresponsible way, threatening to kill millions of people," he said.

About Writer Pascal Gibert

Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.

Quote Of The Day

I have heard that in the day of Hope and Fear the Merciful One will pardon the evil for the sake of the good. If you see evil in my words, do the same. ― Saadi