News of the axis of the resistance

News from the Middle East, international, information from Africa and Asia.

Syrian forces strike terrorists in Idleb and Hama

Syrian Arab Army forces carried out heavy attacks on the axis of the districts of Tal Wassit and Qahirah in the north-west of Hama. A large number of terrorists have been killed and their equipment including vehicles and motorcycles destroyed, according to Syrian sources.

Syrian forces also shelled positions of the "Al-Nusra Front" on the Kafr Awid and Maaret Hurmah axes in the south of Idleb. The terrorists of "Al-Nusra" were fortifying their positions when they were surprised by the heavy artillery fire of the Syrian army. Three of their positions were completely destroyed and a large number of them were killed and wounded. These strikes affirm the will of the Syrian army and its allies to prevent any resurgence of terrorists in the liberated localities.

On Monday, the news agencies said that Russia will not allow Idleb to turn into a terrorist base to endanger Russian interests. Quoted by SANA, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who met a delegation of Syrian MPs on Sunday, has violently criticized Turkey and the United States for their proven support for terrorists and their efforts to prevent a return of Syrian refugees to their country.

About Writer Pascal Gibert

Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.

Quote Of The Day

If you want to judge if a party is a Lebanese enough, let me say we take up arms and fight against the occupation of our land, is that Lebanese enough? ― Sayed Hassan Nasrallah