News of the axis of the resistance

News from the Middle East, international, information from Africa and Asia.

The American occupier transports a new part of ISIS terrorists from the prisons of the "SDF" militia to its base in Chaddadi on the outskirts of Hassakeh


The US occupation forces transported dozens of ISIS terrorists held in the "SDF" militia prisons in Qamishli to the headquarters of the occupation base in Chaddadi south of Hasakah, as part of its policies to train ISIS terrorists and use them to carry out terrorist acts that serve their plans in the region.

Special sources told SANA that two American helicopters, designated to transport the soldiers, had landed in the base of the American occupation in the town of Chaddadi in the southern outskirts of Hasakah, with on board 60 terrorists affiliated with the ISIS network who were being transported from the so-called Nafker prison in Qamishli.

About Writer Pascal Gibert

Former journalist and press relations, web development, etc. Ardent defender of the axis of resistance.

Quote Of The Day

If you want to judge if a party is a Lebanese enough, let me say we take up arms and fight against the occupation of our land, is that Lebanese enough? ― Sayed Hassan Nasrallah